Monsters Circle
A participatory embodied experience with One Resilient Earth
with Laureline Simon

The Monsters Circle is a courageous, vulnerable and warm space to share all the emotions that we feel as we see ourselves transforming and shape-shifting, either voluntarily or unvoluntarily, to live in a world of climate instability. We will explore the emotions of becoming monsters, or feeling monstruous, in the sense that we cannot quite grasp who and what we are becoming in real time. We will welcome all emotions, including unfathomable emotions, and will encourage participating monsters or monsters-in-the-making to share their emotions through any media: spoken word, performance, visual or multimedia arts…
The Monsters Circle is participatory, embodied and artistic. It is open to all adults. It will be introduced in English but could evolve into conversations in German or any other languages shared in the room.
This event is part of the Becoming Monster festival organized by The Emergence Network
Hosted by Laureline Simon / One Resilient Earth
30.10. Mittwoch 19:00 Uhr